Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started - Program Introduction eBook

    2. About Anthia, Your Instructor

    3. Why Did I Create This Program - My Story

    4. Program Overview & Before You Commence

    1. The Nervous System And Beyond 101 - Bonus Course eBook

    2. Lesson One: The Nervous System 101

    3. Lesson Two: Adrenal Glands 101

    4. Lesson Three: Polyvagal Theory 101

    5. Lesson Four: Gut Brain Axis 101

    1. Honour and Validate - Program eBook

    2. Lesson One: Honour And Validate Every Feeling And Symptom

    3. Lesson Two: Feeling Safe, Protected And Connected

    1. Fight, Flight & Freeze - Program eBook

    2. Lesson One: Fight & Flight (Sympathetic Nervous System)

    3. Lesson Two: Feeling Into Fight & Flight

    4. Lesson Three: Freeze (Dorsal Vagal Pathway)

    5. Lesson Four: Feeling Into Freeze

    6. Lesson Five: Hybrid States Of The Nervous System

    1. Regulating Your Nervous System - Program eBook

    2. Lesson One: The Regulated Nervous System

    3. Lesson Two: Feeling Into The Regulated Nervous System

    4. Lesson Three: Food & The Regulated Nervous System

    5. Lesson Four: Gut Health & The Regulated Nervous System

    6. Lesson Five: Fluids & The Regulated Nervous System

    7. Lesson Six: Exercise & The Regulated Nervous System

    8. Lesson Seven: Sleep & The Regulated Nervous System

    9. Lesson Eight: Breathing & The Regulated Nervous System

    10. Lesson Nine: Nature & The Regulated Nervous System

    11. Lesson Ten: Herbal Medicine & The Regulated Nervous System

    12. Lesson Eleven: Supplements & The Regulated Nervous System

    13. Lesson Twelve: Ritual & Routines & The Regulated Nervous System

    14. Lesson Thirteen: Stillness & Solitude & The Regulated Nervous System

    15. Lesson Fourteen: Intuition & The Regulated Nervous System

    16. Lesson Fifteen: Co-regulation & The Regulated Nervous System

    1. Reflection - Program eBook

    2. An Inquiry & A Final Reflection

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Welcome to our new How To Regulate An Overwhelmed, Fearful & Anxious Nervous System Online Program

A self study online program created using naturopathic wisdom, holistic medicine & the polyvagal theory. Now with videos, written lessons, journal prompts and course books.

Long term stress has real consequences in our minds and bodies.

I’ve seen this in my clinical practice for the last 28 years. In a culture of relentless indoctrination of productivity and perfectionism, we keep pushing through the stress and bounce between fight, flight, and freeze.  

We control stress by striving, even more, working harder, trying harder, and perfecting. We rely on caffeine and sugar to push us through. Yet, with all this pushing, rushing, and doing, stress makes a home in our minds and bodies

We experience chronic illness, muscle tightness, wear and tear, pain and inflammation, sleeplessness, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, immune dysregulation and fatigue, and damage from using excessive uppers and downers to cope - caffeine, drugs, alcohol, and food. Shut down or burn out, is our body saying we need to rest more. 

Has stress:

  • Overwhelmed you?
  • Changed your behaviour?
  • Brought on health problems?
  • Hampered healing?
  • Created more suffering and dysregulation?

Do you feel safe, resourced, and supported, or do you feel frustrated, restless, anxious, alienated, and displaced? If the latter, it may be time to focus on inhabiting a safe, regulated, and healed mind, body, and soul.

Please note: this program does not replace therapy and treatment with your psychologist/psychiatrist. It is an adjunct program that helps you create a foundation of health for regulation & deep healing.

Stress is Insidious

It draws on our reserves.

  • Nourish your nervous system with whole seasonal foods; good hydration; fresh, clean air; sunlight; movement; a good night's sleep; and rest.

  • Learn how to flexibly transition between the different states of your nervous system - fight, flight, freeze & regulated.

Dealing with Stress

The goal of dealing with stress is not to simply suffer in silence or avoid it altogether.

  • It is important to bring attention and awareness to your nervous system and the physical and emotional responses that arise as a result of stress.

  • It is also essential to learn how to transition flexibly between different states of the nervous system and to build up your health reserves.

  • It is also essential to do the deeper work of healing wounds and traumas that may be contributing to stress and dysregulation.

Regulating Your Nervous System

Take a holistic approach to managing your stress symptoms - using foods as medicine, herbal medicine and supplements.

  • Eliminate the need for addictive substances such as caffeine, alcohol, and sugar to make you feel energised and on top of things.

  • Reset your gut biome & digestive processes to support your gut brain axis.

  • Breathing plays a crucial role in regulating your nervous system.

Your Personal Security System

Your nervous system is constantly surveilling the scene. Its purpose is protection and connection.

  • Move towards, move away, freeze or regulate.

  • Befriending your nervous system positions you in a place of response vs. reaction when it comes to stress.

Honour and Validate All Your Emotions

Learn how to protect your energy.

  • Create healthy habits and rituals to support a regulated nervous system.

  • Heal, ground, create energy, have clarity, perspective, and possibilities, and experience joy when regulated.

If this sounds like exactly what you need, enroll to our self study program

A one time payment for lifetime access

Self Study Online Program

Learn and implement at your own pace - flexible and convenient

  • A self-paced online program is an educational program that is designed to be completed by the learner at their own pace and on their own schedule.

  • Self-paced online programs are often preferred by individuals who have busy schedules or other commitments that make it difficult to stick to a scheduled program or timetable.

Lifetime Access

Pay a one-time fee for the How To Regulate An Overwhelmed, Fearful & Anxious Nervous System Self-Study Online Program

  • Lifetime access includes access to all features of the program that are available at the time of purchase. Future updates or additional features may require an additional payment.

  • Take more time to explore topics that interest you most, reviewing concepts that are challenging and require deeper & longer attention.

  • See terms & conditions at the bottom of this page.

Lessons & Journal Prompts

Structured guidance and education to stay on track with your cleanse journey, increasing your chances of success

  • A structured program is a road map which leads to a deeper understanding of your body's needs and creating sustainable healthy habits that support your long-term wellness.

  • The lessons & journal prompts help you stay accountable and committed to your health goals and inspire you to make positive changes to your daily routine and creating space and time for healthier activities, such as exercise, meditation, or self-care, leading to healthier habits and behaviours that support your overall health and well-being.

  • Journaling helps you become more self-aware, leading to a better understanding of your current habits and behaviours.

Comprehensive Curriculum and Resources

Access expert knowledge and experience

  • Access over 28 years of naturopathic clinical experience and thousands of client success stories.

  • Tap into a wealth of expert knowledge and experience that can help you achieve your health goals faster and with more confidence.

A Variety of Learning Materials to Support You

A comprehensive & multifaceted approach to learning

  • By providing a variety of learning materials, such as videos, guides, challenges, and journal prompts, it enhances your learning experience.

  • Enables you to engage with the material in ways that are most effective and enjoyable for you.

  • All materials on offer are downloadable for you to keep.

Improve Your Health Literacy

Education is empowering

  • Enhances your ability to make informed decisions about your health.

  • Increases your confidence in managing your own health and well-being, including communicating effectively with healthcare providers, understanding treatment options, and making informed decisions about your own health, leading to greater self-efficacy and self-empowerment.

Learn How Your Nervous System Works

Your Food & Fluid Choices Affect Your Nervous System

  • The gut and the brain are connected through the gut-brain axis, meaning the health of one directly impacts the other. Certain foods like fatty fish, green leafy vegetables, and blueberries, known for their anti-inflammatory properties, can support a well-functioning nervous system.

  • Staying well-hydrated is crucial for all bodily functions as lack of fluids can lead to dehydration, impairing neuron function and triggering symptoms of anxiety and overwhelm.

Your Lifestyle Choices Affect Your Nervous System

  • Learn the science of restful sleep for optimal nervous system function and experience relief from anxiety and overwhelm with improved sleep quality.

  • Find out how regular physical exercise can boost the production of endorphins - the body's natural mood lifters.

  • Deepen your understanding about how mindful breathing exercises stimulate the body's relaxation response, helping to calm an overwhelmed nervous system. They directly interact with the autonomic nervous system, aiding in stress and anxiety management.

Understanding Your Inner Landscape

  • Moments of stillness and solitude provide a chance to decompress and reset an overwhelmed nervous system. We'll guide you to find time and space for introspection and awareness, fostering a deeper understanding of personal triggers of stress and anxiety.

  • Learn how to recognise and respect your personal needs and boundaries, avoiding situations that could overwhelm your nervous system. Experience an empowering sense of self-guidance and a stronger connection with your inner self, steering your life towards harmony and balance.

Seek Out Deeper Connections & Support

  • Learn the art of co-regulation and let the reassuring presence of a trusted companion help soothe and rebalance your nervous system. Discover deeper connections, better relationships, and a strengthened sense of security, fostering a serene and resilient nervous system.

  • Discover the potential of herbal remedies to calm your nervous system and the benefits of handpicked supplements that promise tranquility and equilibrium.

About your instructor

Naturopath Anthia Koullouros

I have been a practicing naturopath for nearly 30 years! It's hard for me to believe it too! I graduated as a naturopath, homoeopath, and herbalist at the end of 1994 and started consulting almost immediately. My Naturopathic Clinic, Apothecary, and Apotheca by Anthia Tea & Tisane Store is located in Paddington, Sydney Australia. This is where you will find me seeing patients, blending herbal tonics and creating teas & tisanes. Akademeia by Anthia, our online portal, is where you will find my Courses & Programs, based on 30 years of Naturopathic know how & clinical experience. My book I am Food - Eating Your Way To Health was published in 2014. A new edition of I am Food was launched in January 2023.

Gain Lifetime Access

Lifetime access gives you the ability to learn and revisit the full program curriculum anytime you wish to delve deeper or find your way back to a regulated nervous system.


How to learn the tools to help you thrive.

by Kate.S

This course was life changing for me. I was able to build on the spiritual work I have done to be more present in my life. It gave me an understanding of poly vagal theory. I was able to separate out the functions of my nervous system- fight, flight, freeze, fawn ... and for the first time I understood these were normal. The state I really want to be in is regulated- deeply open, compassionate, content, satisfied, calm, still, loving. I therefore now have the awareness of where I am at and the triggers for this. When I am regulated I can coregulate with others. Anthia is highly knowledgable and ties these concepts to her area of speciality- nutrition and gut health. That is a very interesting connection. Anthia presents in this course as a regulated trainer- one with a big heart and generosity. She shares from her own journey which is very powerful. Many thanks, Kate S.

Bonus Material

In addition to the in-depth program curriculum, we are also offering the following bonuses

  • Free Full Introduction Course

    A Complete Introductory Course To The Nervous System And Beyond 101. Delve deeper with four advanced video lessons and the companion course book.

  • Declutter Clutter Challenge

    By clearing the clutter from life’s path, we can all make room for the most important aspects of life: health, relationships, passion, growth, and contribution.

  • Digital Minimalism

    The philosophy of digital minimalism is not simply to rid ourselves of technology e.g remove the apps we love to use but to be clear on what we use and why, so that we can free ourselves of the compulsive use of them

I'm ready to join the How To Regulate An Overwhelmed, Fearful & Anxious Nervous System Self Study Program!

All pricing is in Australian dollars and includes GST

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Terms and Conditions

By purchasing lifetime access to the self-study program, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Personal use only: Lifetime access is granted for personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes.

  2. Non-refundable: The purchase of lifetime access to the program is final and non-refundable.

  3. Lifetime access to the program: Lifetime access to the program is granted for the duration of the program's lifetime. In the event that the program is discontinued, lifetime access will no longer be available.

  4. Limited to specific features: Lifetime access includes access to all features of the program that are available at the time of purchase. Future updates or additional features may require an additional payment.

  5. Subject to program rules and guidelines: Lifetime access to the program is subject to the rules and guidelines of the program. Failure to comply with the program's rules and guidelines may result in the termination of lifetime access.

  6. Non-transferable: Lifetime access to the program is granted to the individual who purchases it and may not be transferred or shared with another person.

  7. Disclaimer: The program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided in the program is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

By purchasing lifetime access to the self-study program, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.